Please read through our terms and conditions that constitute our Shipping Policy. 

Miamories ships worldwide from our US warehouse.  Every effort will be made to ship your item/s as soon as your order is placed. Our usual processing time takes 2-3 business days (excluding weekends, holidays, or shipping time). We have the right to extend our processing time if we are experiencing a high volume of orders, especially during holiday seasons. You will automatically receive an email confirmation after placing your order. Once your order ships, you will be sent another email containing your tracking information, so you can track down your own order. Please allow 24-48 hours for the tracking information to update. 

Shipping times would depend on the method chosen. International orders may require 7-21 business days or more in some cases due to customs/local post office delays. Please note that we cannot be held accountable for any shipping delays caused by the carrier. Please refer to the carrier's website for up-to-date information about their service guarantees. 

In some instances, we may contact you and offer a different service if the selected shipping option is not available to you.